Ask Alison Anything #1
How I got the courage to leave my marriage, how I have the energy to keep posting on social media so consistently after 7 years + my 10 favorite coffee shops in Mexico City!
Hi everyone! If you’ve been following my journey for a while now, you may remember that I often did a Q+A series over on Instagram Stories. Well now I’m excited to be moving that series over here to Substack, where I can answer in longer form and the answers won’t disappear after 24 hours. I set up a place for you to submit Qs - whatever you want to ask! Whether it’s business or creative related, relationship or inner world related, if you need advice on a big (or small) problem in your life, feel free to submit whatever you’re wondering or seeking help on. Questions don’t have to be super in depth, if you’re just looking for a link to something or wondering what my favorite beach in Mexico is, feel free to ask those kinds of questions too! Depending on the depth of the question(s), I may answer several in a given month or only one or two. This series will be published once every month or two depending on the amount of questions that get submitted.
Hi Alison! How did you get the courage to leave your marriage?
Hi! I get this question a lot and it’s never felt right to answer in an Instagram DM or in short-form on Stories, so I thought this would be a great question to kick off this new series with.
This is a really hard question to answer. I want to share vulnerably here, but also I want to say that each of our experiences are so different and only you can make these big decisions for yourself. Part of me wants to say that when you know, you know, but it’s so much more complicated than that. Of course, my intuition played a strong part in my decision (more on that further down), but it was a decision that took months and months of sitting with, working with, processing in therapy and eventually trying to come to terms with.
I think if I had to answer this question in one word, it would be trust. It’s extremely scary uprooting and dismantling your life as you know it. It truly takes a leap of faith. Nothing is guaranteed to us and we can never fully know what lies before us. We have to trust that everything will be okay. Because it always will be. Even if it’s really fucking hard in the beginning, middle or end. It always, always ends up ok. I had to trust that even though I was leaving behind a beautiful chapter of my life, I was stepping into a new, different one because I truly believed I needed and deserved more.