« I want to preface this post by saying that I am not in any way a trained medical professional. This is not intended to be medical advice. I’m simply sharing my own experience, as a human being. If what I share calls to you, please seek guidance from a medical professional as well as someone professionally trained to facilitate psychedelic experiences. »
I started microdosing psilocybin a few months ago. I never thought of myself as someone who would do that. I’ve heard countless friends and acquaintances over the years telling me they were doing it, and it never felt resonate for me. My mind said, “What? I’m just going to eat a little bit of magic mushrooms everyday? That seems weird.” My controlling mind fought against the idea. It seemed too willy nilly for me to take part. And even though I’ve had transformational experiences using psychedelics in macro doses, I couldn’t see how using them would tie into my everyday.
Fast forward to a few months ago. I just finished reading Sara Gottfried’s book The Autoimmune Cure, where she talks about how autoimmune diseases are triggered by trauma and the ways in which we can heal our autoimmune diseases - psychedelics being one of the ways. (For context, I got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s last year.) I started to think a lot about my own trauma, and how much of it I was carrying around with me everyday, especially in my body. I got really curious about this.