Well-Being: Apple Pie Collagen Smoothie
Recipe for my current favorite smoothie (that Erewhon should adopt onto their menu)
I’ve been seeing all these Erewhon smoothies going around the internet for, I don’t know, at least a year now. I’ve never actually tried one, but have been very intrigued. If you’ve been following along for a while, you may know I got my start on Instagram as the Smoothie Queen. I used to make layered and decorated smoothies almost daily for years. Like many creative endeavors, one day I just got sort of over making them and moved on. I think seeing the Erewhon smoothies reignited something in me. And I’ve been on a real smoothie kick lately, after a couple years of strictly breakfast bowls. I thought to myself, “Erewhon really needs an autumnal smoothie.” And so I created this one, for you guys to make at home!
It’s been my go-to lately. Truly tastes like fall in a cup. Thinking about doing a pumpkin pie one next, so stay tuned for that! For now, I hope you enjoy this one!